PIC16 C Sample: 1-Wire

Environment: MPLAB X IDE + HI TECH Compiler for PIC16

#define OW_TRIS TRISA0      //Port mode register, 1=input,0=output
#define OW_PORT RA0         //Pin connected to 1-wire bus

int owReset(void)
    char state = 0;
    OW_TRIS = 0;        //Set as output
    OW_PORT = 0;        //Drive Low
    OW_TRIS = 1;        //Release, Set back as input
    state = !OW_PORT;   //If devices are present, it will keep the pin low
                        //! will invert 1=0, 0=1
    return state;       //Returns 1 if devices are present

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Using WordPress With External SMTP server


Find in /wp-includes/pluggable.php the line that says $phpMailer->isMail();

Changed that to $phpMailer->isSMTP();

Now edit /wp-includes/class-phpmailer.php. Change the settings to whatever you wat.

public $Host = 'mailserver.domain.com';
public $SMTPAuth = 'true'; //(or false)
public $Username = 'myusername';
public $Password = 'mypassword';