Energy Logger 4000

Recently I bought at the Voltcraft Energy Logger 4000. It was a daydeal, €20,- each. Currently it is monitoring my lab servers.

To read the log files and write them to some database (e.g. MySql) i wrote and C#.NET application.

The application currently processes log files only. You can write your own function to convert ‘LogLines’ to your dataset.

After VELReader.Read(“C:\log.bin”) is called, and list of loglines is updated. You can acces those lines at VELReader.Log[array/list].



Version history:

  • 2011-12-14 v0.1 – Process logfiles

Update version 2

See other post! Click here | Energy Logger 4000 – Version 2

Usefull links:


Download program and/or source:

Visual C# Express 2010 Source Code (.NET 4)

(SRC) Voltcraft Energy Logger 4000 - Reader
(SRC) Voltcraft Energy Logger 4000 - Reader
EnergyLogReader v0.1.7z
Version: 0.1
41.6 KiB
(EXE) Voltcraft Energy Logger 4000 - Reader
(EXE) Voltcraft Energy Logger 4000 - Reader
EnergyLogReader_Release v0.1.7z
Version: 0.1
8.8 KiB

8 gedachten over “Energy Logger 4000

  1. Erkki Juvonen

    Thank you Robin ! Now I can read Power and other things, bin-files, with your SW.
    I have difficulties to read with Energy Logger Viewer the charts. I cannot change Power value to 2 kW because there is 16 kW spikes. Now I am using Win7 and I think that it worked better with XP. I am 63 and I am not very good to bild up SW-programs.
    Best Reagrds
    Erkki Juvonen
    Honkatie 1 C
    44150 Äänekoski

  2. Pingback: Energy Logger 3500/4000 software |

  3. Pingback: Voltcraft Energy Logger 4000F​​ | Steven Rogge

  4. Mary

    Hello Robin,

    I just bought Voltcraft Energy Logger 4000 and I am having issues with reading the .bin files. I used your application and I only get the data on the INFO section (left side). I don’t get anything on the DATA section. Do you know what the problem might be?

    1. Robin Bericht auteur

      Hello Mary,

      The Voltcraft Energy Logger 4000 probably generates faulty .bin files.
      Please try resetting the device. Or reformat the sd-card to fat16/fat32.

      The files are readable after editing them a little.


  5. Pingback: Update: Energy Logger 4000 – Version 2

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